Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ideas Welcome

Hello followers of the blog...

I'm back after a long hiatus. If you have any ideas for posts you would like to see, feel free to email  me at

I would like to hear from you and give you some inside info on up coming posts.


Advertisement of the Day: The Sporting Arms Division of Styer Puch of America Corporation FN FAL Ad Circa 1982

This is an advertisement from the Styer Daimler division of America circa 1982 for the FN FAL series of rifles.  It was taken from Guns Annual 1982 Vol 25.  The FN FAL is a treasure when it comes to cold war battle rifles and still has a strong following to this day.

PGW Arms...Before the DMAX Industries

The D Max Industries Pistols and Carbine in 9mm, .45, and 10mm  have an intersting place in semi-subgun history as their construction were quite well thought out. They are an interesting blend of 1911 parts, mixed with an AK and M1 Garand firing system. Bud Lang interviewed Darrel Holland of Practical Gun Works (PGW) prior to their releas under the DMAX brand.  Ill be covering more about the DMAX Industries series of guns in future posts.  Enjoy: